Program Introduction
Baratta-Lorton Reading Program AKA Dekodiphukan
The first of the 14 apps that comprise the Baratta-Lorton Reading Program is the Dekodiphukan book. Classroom teachers all across the country using the kit version of the reading program spontaneously opted to refer to the program as the Dekodiphukan (pronounced decode-if-you-can) Reading Program, or simply Dekodiphukan.
Dekodiphukan Book
The Dekodiphukan app introduces the child to 44 unique sound-images that represent all 44 phonemes of the English language. However, the child does not need to know all 44 sounds before using the next apps in the learning sequence.
Five-Levels and the Next Five Apps
Once the first 8 sounds are known, the child begins the Triangle-level activities in the Two-Sound Flipbook, the Three-Sound Flipbook, the Booklets and the Reading Worksheets apps. The Picture Packets-Words app can also be started when the first 8 sounds have been introduced.
When 16 sounds have been introduced, the child begins the Circle-level of the same five apps. When 24 sounds are known, the child begins the Square-level of these apps. When 32 sounds have been introduced, the Rectangle-level starts. Once all 44 sounds are known, the Star-level begins.
Two-Sound and Three-Sound Words
The child's introduction to the Triangle-level of the program is split into two sub-levels. The first sub-level presents the child with words that are only two sounds in length. The second sub-level presents the child with three-sound words. A plain triangle is used to indicate two-sound word activities. A happy-face triangle indicates three-sound activities.
The same two sub-level split is used for the Circle, Square, Rectangle and Star levels, with a plain Circle, Square, Rectangle or Star indicating two-sound words and a happy-face indicating three-sound words.
The Arrow on the Left Regardless of the level, each word or phrase always has an arrow at its left-hand edge to indicate to the child where the reading of the word or phrase is to begin.
Color Codings
The color-codings for all the levels are there simply to tell one activity at the same level from another. If, for example, the eight different triangle books in the Booklets app were all colored white, there would be no easy way for a child to tell which of the triangle booklets he or she had already read.
The Phrase-Level
When the child knows all 44 sounds and has successfully passed through the two- and three-sound levels of the program, the Phrase-level of activities begins. At the Phrase-level, any of the activities may be done in any order. The Triangle, Circle, Square, Rectangle and Star codes no longer indicate levels or sub-levels. Their use now is simply to continue to help the child to tell which of the various activities he or she had already tried.
The Heart-Level The phrase level also introduces a Heart-level. The Heart indicates the activity uses all 44 sounds. Heart-level activities may be done in any order.
The Transition
The transition from sounds to letters begins when the child can read sound- phrases comfortably.
An Overview of the 14 apps and their purposes
Dekodiphukan (pronounced decode-if-you-can)
Children’s storybook written in rhyme
Also available in book form through the Center's website
Introduces the 44 sounds or phonemes of the English language
Rhyme used for clarity in sound identification
To be read the first time by the parent or teacher to the child
Parents or teachers unclear about sound pronouncements may play the audio
Child uses audio play buttons for subsequent readings
Downloadable Wall Cards
Downloadable Sound Summary
Two- and Three-Sound Flipbooks
Used by the parent or teacher to teach the child the sounds
Models for the child the blending of sounds into words
Provides the child with the basic vocabulary for subsequent activities
The child’s first experience in reading the sounds on his or her own
24 two-sound booklets and 20 three-sound booklets
Audio hints provided
Booklets at each level are to be read before beginning the
Picture Packets-Words app at that same level
Reading Worksheets
The child’s second experience at reading the sounds on his or her own
Presented in parallel with the Booklets app
Presented before the Picture Packet-Words app
40 worksheets each at the two-sound, three-sound and phrase-levels
Audio hints provided for the sounds at the two and three-sound levels
Introduced at the Triangle-level
An assessment tool for the sounds a child hears in words
Allows children to stamp words and phrases of their own creation
Used by the child to write stories once all 44 sounds are known
Stories are savable, editable, and printable
Parent or teacher may modify a child’s stories for use at the transition level
When ready, the child writes these same stories in traditional letters using the decoding chart
Picture Packets-Words
The child’s first experience in reading the sounds words with no audio hints
24 two-sound pages and 20 three-sound pages
Booklets at each level are prerequisite for each Picture Packet-Word page at the same level
Picture Packet-Phrases
Reading individual words is expanded to include reading whole phrases
Prerequisites - knowing all of the sounds and being able to read two and three sound words
Decoding Chart-Flip, Decoding Chart-Levels
Converts words written in sounds to words written in letters
The vehicle for transitioning the child from sounds to letters
Introduced once the child can comfortably read phrases
A lesson for parents and teachers in its use is presented in the Writing Worksheet app instructions
Available in two different app forms
Also downloadable from the Center's website - highly recommended.
Writing Worksheets
The Writing Worksheets in combination with the decoding chart transition the child from reading with sounds to reading with letters
Use of the Worksheets and the decoding chart is learned by the parent or teacher first, who then teaches the child
Picture Packets-Transition
Introduced in tandem with the Writing Worksheets
No specific lesson associated with the letters is needed
Letter association take place naturally in the Writing Worksheets and Sightwords apps
Introduced after the child has completed the Writing Worksheets at the two- and three-sound levels
Teaches the child a basic site vocabulary of 161 words
Audio tests are provided to insure the child knows the words
Picture Packets-Vowels
Introduced after the child can read Picture Packet-Transition phrases with ease
Special Notes
Outlaw Words
Words with spellings that are not found on the decoding chart
A starter list is provided
Instructions for adding to the list are provided
Creative Writing
The child who reaches the ffhird-level of creative writing has learned all this program has to teach him or her
What remains is cementing this learning by providing the child the opportunity to use the skills he or she has acquired
Hand Writing
Assistance provided for parents who will be teaching their child to write letters