Their Way
This primary math workshop ...
- Focuses on children
developing an understanding of and insight into the patterns of mathematics.
- Helps teachers
understand how children can build relationships and interconnections
in mathematics.
- Establishes an
environment where learners deal flexibly with mathematical ideas and
- Emphasizes the
implementation of the NCTM Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for
School Mathematics and Common Core Standards.
- Provides opportunity
to observe an experienced classroom teacher introducing, demonstrating,
and modeling a variety of activities used throughout the year.
- Illustrates the
importance of the teacher's role in observing children, keeping anecdotal
records, and posing open-ended questions.
- Compatible with
most states' Standards.
Course Texts
Mathematics Their Way, written by Mary Baratta-Lorton
Mathematics Their Way Summary Newsletter, principal writer
and editor, Cynthia Garland-Dore
Download Newsletter
Course Number
EDM 201A - Mathematics Their Way
Course Fee
- $350 per person if received
prior to the workshop
- $375 per person if received
at or after the start of the workshop
- One Day Inservice (maximum
of 40 participants - $2,500)
and Credit information & what to bring
on the first day of the workshop.
Their Way Course Syllabus is a .pdf file that can be viewed and printed.
It requires Adobe Acrobat Reader 3 or higher. Acrobat Reader is free here.
find Math Their Way workshops in your area, click the "Search Workshops"
button, select your options and click "Start Search".

Enroll now in a Math Their Way Workshop.
Write to
Math a
Way of Thinking (2-6)
enroll by purchase order, or by check, or if you are unable to order
on-line, click here to download an enrollment form. |