School or District
City, State, Zip
School Phone, Fax Phone
Home Phone, Email Address
Fee Assessment
Yes or
Priority will be given to sites that provide it free of charge.
Estimated site fee to be charged:
Will you have a minimum of 15 participants?
Yes or
Estimated number of participants:
Set-up Day Approval
Yes or
Instructor and workshop helpers set-up on the day before the workshop
for approx. 2-3 hours.
Hosting Site Materials
Yes or
Each hosting site must make arrangements to provide the necessary materials
for the workshop. May we ship workshop consumables to your site 3 weeks
prior to the first day of the workshop?
Yes or
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THEIR WAY (check to confirm)
16-20 geoboards w/25 nails (wood preferred)
100+ geobands (large and small)
16+ junk boxes (with at least 80-100 items)
750 pattern
blocks (wood preferred)
250 portion cups (1 oz. / 2 oz. size)
500 tiles (1" x 1", one color)
15 tubs (10 for actual stations plus extras)
2000 unifix cubes
500 wooden cubes
Requested Dates:
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Center for Innovation in Education
PO Box 2070
Saratoga, CA 95070-0070
(800) 395-6088
Fax: (408) 725-8146
Open 30-Hour Workshop (max. of 40)
Open to the public at large.
A minimum of 15 paid participants is required.
Closed 30-Hour Workshop (min. 35; max. 40) Limited to enrollments identified
by hosting district. Host site agrees to pay for all spaces in a closed
Workshop Fees
$350 per person if received in advance of the first day of the workshop.
$375 per person if received on or after the first day of the workshop.
$25 Cancellation Fee per person if cancelled 14 business days prior
to the workshop. No refund will be issued if cancelled after the 14
day deadline.
Enrollment fees may be paid by check, credit card (Visa or MasterCard),
or purchase order. Canadian and international participants need to pay
by international money order or credit card.
One Day Inservice (max. of 40) is $2,500 total.
$100 cancellation fee if cancelled 21 days prior to the inservice. $500
cancellation fee if cancelled after the 21 day deadline.
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ROOM NEEDS (check to confirm)
large enough to accommodate a maximum of 40 participants (e.g., large
classroom, cafeteria, media center, or gym)
Air-conditioned rooms are needed for summer workshops for the comfort
of participants & instructor.
Separate area/room designated for lunch break with tables and chairs
(optional, but desired)
One adult-sized chair per participant (no cafeteria type benches)
12 tables (30” x 72”)
Overhead Projector or Document Camera
Rolling cart for projector or camera
Screen (at least 6” x 6”)
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A WAY OF THINKING (check to confirm)
1/person -
geoboard w/25 nails (wood preferred)
100+ geobands (large & small)
3000 centimeter cubes
250 portion cups (1 oz. size and 2 oz. size)
3000 unifix cubes
10 meter sticks or yard sticks
7 sheets of oak tag - 24" x 36" (poster board is okay)
1000-1500 tiles (1” square)
6 sets of pattern blocks (250/set)
1/person - tangrams
5 lbs. beans