The Baratta-Lorton Reading Program presents a sequence of activities through which children learn to use the 44 sounds or phonemes of the English language to read and to write any and all of the words that are a part of their spoken vocabulary--without being limited to predetermined word-lists or the controlled vocabulary of books at grade level. The activities seamlessly merge phonics instruction with the techniques of whole-language instruction. In the Reading Program, if a child can speak a word, the child can read it and the child can write it.

The Dekodiphukan (decode if you can) book, (see second cell in far left-hand column below) written by Bob Baratta-Lorton and illustrated by Bob Larsen, introduces children to the 44 sounds of English.

The Teacher's Manual, written by Bob Baratta-Lorton with Mary Baratta-Lorton as consultant, guides teachers in implementing the Reading Program's activity-centered approach in their classrooms. The Manual's table of contents provides quick access to detailed explanations of the use of each component.

The Reading Program is not yet available commercially. All program materials are available free of charge through the links below - on the condition that their use is confined either to parents engaged in home-schooling or to teachers wishing to make use of the program in their own classrooms. Downloaded books and/or materials may not be reproduced for sale.

To copy Reading Program components to your desktop: Click on one of the links below. On the resulting page, click on the component you wish to select. Drag the component image that appears to your desktop. Use the Next Page/Previous page choices to view and drag additional components. You may also use the "right-click" option for downloading if it is available on your computer. Components downloaded to your desktop may be viewed and/or printed using any software that can read JPEG (photo) documents. Components downloaded as PDF files are viewable with Acrobat Reader.

The link to the Assembly Instruction booklet is in the lower right-hand corner of the Components Chart. Please note that the Read Me First link at the top of the instructions page has been written expressly to provide guidance for parents engaged in home-schooling and for teachers downloading components from this web site for use in their own classrooms. It is a definite must-read.

The blue links are for the components the students will use. The red links are for teacher materials.

Components in green do not represent links. These component represent materials being used again in a different way like two and three-sound and phrase worksheets being used again at the transition level. Or materials that the teacher and student will make. Whole Class Activities can be seen in the Reading Video described in the following paragraph. See Video -- Part 11 starting at 3:28.

A detailed video presentation of the Reading Program is accessible below. The presentation may be accessed by clicking on the large Video Presentation button below the Components Chart. The video may be viewed in its entirety, or any one of its fifteen parts may be viewed separately. Where appropriate, the components links contain references to where each component might be seen in action in the video.

Teacher reviews of the Program are also available below. The teacher-reviews are accessible by clicking on the Dekodiphukan book cover.

Note: There is a currently a glitch in how one goes about accessing the Reading Program components depending on the browser you may be using. If you click on a link to a component and nothing happens, then click on the “Close Window” link instead. Doing this then links to the components to be downloaded. Alternatively, simply access the Reading Program download page through a different browser. If nothing else works, email the Center at and we will email you the component(s).

Teacher's Manual
Dekodiphukan Book
Wall Sound Cards
Sound Review Charts

Student Stamping

Two and Three-Sound Flip Books
Assessment Sheets

Transition Two-Sound Worksheets

Tiny Writing Cards as Take-Home Books

Sound Review Flip Books

Student-Made Stamping Books

Student Transition Writing

Whole Class Experience Stories - Stamped

Transition Three-Sound Worksheets

Student-Made Transition Books

Tiny Writing Cards at Transition Level

Whole Class Experience Stories - Stamped and Written

Transition Phrase Worksheets

Student-Made Books

Student-Authored Books to Take Home

Teacher-Made Vowels-Only Books


Student Creative Writing


Student Creative Writing

Reading Program Video Presentation

Teacher Reviews and Comments Link

Click on book cover


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